Thursday, March 12, 2009

Assistive Robot

The Assistive Technology challenge is to design a device that will aid either those in need or that can make everday life easier. Basic Inventor or Basic Pilot can be used for this LEGO Assistive Technology challenge. The design of the robot and its functions are euqually essential to this challenge. Any of the materials in the robot kits may be utilized including motors, light sensors, touch sensors, gears, etc. The LEGO miniature figure person may be utilized if desired. This challenge allows for each group to choose their own personal design along with the type of aid they would like to design. It will be difficult to create a completely new or unique design with all the technology today, but each group must aim to include unique features and creativity for their design to differ from other designs out there today.

Our group decided to create design that would aid to those with seeing problems. There are some similar devices out there or people utilize seeing eye dogs. We decided to create a device that could work like both of those aids in one. The robot is tread based for steering along with forward and reverse motions. Rotation is additionally possible if the treads run in the opposite direction. There is a setting to allow rotation. Furthermore, the robot is designed with two touch sensors, one on the left and the right for manual utilization and safety of the individual operating the robot. There is one light sensor located at the center of the robot. This robot is designed to help those in need of another persons assistance to complete normal day to day activities. If a person is completely blind this would not be a robot that they would want to operate alone, yet if the individual is only partially blind this would be a great device to operate solely. The robot senses danger such as walls, edges, drop-offs or devices in the way and continues to respond to the dangers by stopping or turning a different way. This robot is desinged to face the unexpected “dangers” that an individual with seeing prolems may come across each day.

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